I’m Back

This is a mission that started last December, has cost me a shit tonne more than I had anticipated BUT it has been a hell of a trip back to America.

As usual I flew into San Francisco and caught up with Cole and Gabriella.  Jetlag doesn’t seem to be a factor when the day you fly in…. you end up drinking and talking politics, business and a whole stack of BS until 4am in the morning.

Ontop of catching up with Cole and Gabriella, Luke and Jade had timed their trip to coincide with mine.  They rocked up waayyyy too early and since I wasn’t legal to drive we took a great walk through the city. The beautiful people…..

And a couple of ugly buggers….

Luke has a fancy camera and he takes some great photos.

This is an inside joke between Cole and myself – 75% of people who jump go the city side, as Cole would – I would jump the ocean side myself.   Stock market is doing fine so neither of us need to ‘call a friend’.